Corona from A – Z , the politically incorrect and somewhat cynical index to the “crisis”

From A – Actionism to Z – (Corona) Zombies


The highest commandment for politicians in C. times. Even if you don’t know anything specific, you have to pretend that you know everything at the right time. Actionism entails every stupid measure and advice “in the crisis”, because nothing less than the health of everyone is at stake.


If we look at the corona world map published by Johns Hopkins University (see “Johns Hopkins”), Africa got off relatively lightly in the pandemic. Even though the African virus variant seems so aggressive that it even attacks exotic fruits, there was reportedly a positive corona test on a papaya in Tanzania, as the president of that country told us.
So in Africa, people continue to die primarily from malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS and armed conflicts, and not from or by corona.
Tu Felix Africa! – one would like to proclaim.


“America, you have it better!” J.W. Goethe once wrote.

Yes, the USA is again in the lead now. “Trump’s Own Country” has the highest numbers of Corona infected and deceased people – both absolute and relative – as our quality media are used to report with almost relish. Even the president himself is responsible for this, as this is what we’re told to believe.

But also the states of South America show themselves very successful in the current Corona number hype.

Animal doctor

Also called “veterinary”. A person – usually with a university degree – who is involved in the medical care and treatment of animals. Due to physiological and anatomical similarities of the pig to humans and epidemiological correlations (see “swine flu”), a veterinarian is sufficiently qualified for the ” Federal Government of Germany” to head its highest human medical health authority (RKI).

Basic rights

When it comes to health, basic rights must also be put up for discussion: The restrictions in the Corona crisis are intended to protect the basic right to life and physical integrity. This important basic right is in the (German) Basic Law article 2 (2), as the politicians let us know. For the protection of this basic right many other basic rights are and were restricted. Among them are

– The right to freedom of movement (Article 11):

People may no longer go everywhere. Thus beaches or the way to certain landmarks were closed. Borders of countries were closed.

– The right to the self-development of the personality (Art. 2):

Many things in everyday life are no longer possible. The cinemas, theaters, museums, swimming pools and many other facilities were or are closed.

– The right to freedom of assembly (Art. 8):

Demonstrations are assemblies. The state demands that demonstrations may only take place if the Corona rules can be observed. Thus, demonstrations cannot take place or can only take place with restrictions.

– The freedom of the person (Art.2):

If a person has COVID-19, then he must be put in quarantine. See (“Quarantine”).

– The inviolability of the home (Art.13):

Apartments of infected persons may be entered uninvited by the public health officer under certain circumstances.

– The right to freedom of occupation (Art. 12):

Many stores and all restaurants closed. Employees in restaurants and stores were not allowed to exercise their profession.

Freedom of speech as a fundamental right is missing from the list. This is countered by denunciation, insults, social exclusion, counter-demonstrations, etc. by “interested circles”. In the matter of Corona, one may basically only believe what the federal government or Mr. Drosten pretends to know.


Sleeping, but also dying place, here in the sense of hospital beds; and these are paid for example by the health insurance company as technical aids if required.

The size of a hospital is described, for example, by the number of beds set up there.

A special form of hospital bed is the so-called intensive care bed, because here people die more intensively. Germany is said to have the largest number of intensive care beds worldwide. Paradoxically, this also explains why there are so few corona deaths in Germany. Probably because most intensive care beds are still empty and because “intensive care” treatment for corona patients does not necessarily have to prove “curative” (see “Ventilation”).


The synonym for death and horror. No one forgets the pictures with the endless columns of trucks and coffins with which the dead were taken away.

The famous opera composer Gaetano Donizetti, one of the great sons of the city, if he was still alive, would certainly pay dramatic tribute to this tragedy in an opera: “Il morto lombardo”!

Cause of death

If a person has corona and coughs, carries the virus inside him – which means that he has probably tested “corona positive” – and he is run over by a car, then corona is without doubt the cause of death. If the neighbor suffers a fatal heart attack and he recently returned from vacation from Ischgl, Milan or Munich (“hotspot”), only Corona can have led to death. Also a cancer illness in the final stage does not protect from the Corona death.

One should not dwell on such sophistries and ask whether someone died at, with or by Corona. This only messes up the most impressive statistics.


Once the workplace of medical greats and world stars and many Nobel Prize winners in medicine (Rudolf Virchow, Hermann von Helmholtz, Robert Koch, Paul Langerhans, Paul Ehrlich, Emil Adolf von Behring, Ferdinand Sauerbruch, etc.). Was still the Mecca of scientific medicine at the beginning of the 20th century and was replaced by the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the USA. Today, it is only the largest university hospital in Europe (see “Beds”), as well as a breeding and care facility of politically sought-after medical expertise and actions (see “Drosten”) for the Federal Government and the Chancellor.


The source of evil.

It is still not proven where the virus actually comes from. Is it bats, some other scum or pigs from the animal market in Wuhan? Or is it part of a biological weapon that escaped from the laboratory (see also “Conspiracy theorists”)?

Amazing that the country of origin of the “pandemic”, the most populous state on earth, now has one of the lowest “infection rates” worldwide.

Coercive measures

Measures initiated on the basis of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) with restrictions on basic rights (see there). Measures comparable to a state of emergency under martial law. This can even lead to the police cordoning off entire cities and regions. In order to realize possible plans in this regard, politicians, such as Söder, even fantasize about using the military.

Conspiracy theorists

Also called aluminium hat wearers. In connection with Corona synonymous with Nazi.

Conspiracy theorists always cite contradictory evidence to the orthodox believers, point out the contradictions in their statements, e.g. about prognoses and about death figures, effectiveness of preventive measures (mouth-guards), statistical imprecision, etc.

Conspiracists are absolute know-alls or wiseacres, who consider any disturbing facts or contradictions in their own assertions to be excluded. So conspiracy theorists are a whole dangerous rabble, which can be fought with the drastic measures of the inquisition (see also “plague”).


Spiteful progression of “corona denier” (see below).

A neologism of actually unknown origin, although the SPD leader Esken (that’s the scarecrow with the Medusa or basilisk look) used it for the first time in a media-effective way for insults via Twitter. This is primarily used to refer to participants in so-called democracy or hygiene demonstrations – in a broader sense, all those who “deny” corona (see “Corona deniers”) or consider the measures taken by the state to be excessive or nonsensical. In this regard, it has been determined by the public prosecutor that “Covidiot” does not constitute an insult. Even once (until February 2020) highly respected scientists and doctors must put up with this title.

Corona denier

Mostly undifferentiated and widely used term. Semantically correct it characterizes those who deny the existence of the corona virus or the “corona pandemic”. On the other hand, it is used in a denunciatory way to denounce those who do not consider corona to be more dangerous than a seasonal flu or a type of cold. Corona deniers are also defined by politicians or media representatives as any opponents of government measures.

Distance requirement

The state has decreed “Don’t get on my back” so that one is not exposed to deadly aerosols and other contagious agents with a “virus load”, which, according to the official view, will soon be excreted by each of us.
“An arm’s length distance” – the so-called “Reker measure”, named after the mayor of Cologne – is not sufficient: it must be at least 1.50 m. Not 1.35 or 1.70 or even 2.11 meters! One can rely on the fact that the exact distance of 1.500 m (or 6 feet, for the SI-units challenged) has been scientifically determined with millimeter accuracy.


Christian Heinrich Maria. Award-winning “science communicator” and as a sideline virologist. Ranks among the co-discoverers of the SARS coronavirus SARS-CoV (2003) and, according to his opponents, has previously made a fool of himself in the assessment of a pandemic, at that time the “swine flu”. Perfect in spreading allegedly scientifically based facts, based on the implementation of Adenauer’s well-known saying: “What do I care about my babbling of yesterday”.


“A temporally and locally limited increased occurrence of cases of illness of uniform cause within a human population” (Wikipedia). An E. can also be traced back to increased diagnostic activities (e.g. “corona testing”), one speaks then of a sham epidemic.

The spread of an (infectious) disease across countries and continents is called a pandemic (see there).

Fake News

The usual form of news to which media consumers are exposed in Corona times. Fake news is currently the rule rather than the exception in the daily propaganda battle – fired up by virologists, politicians and a myriad of “experts”.


Fear pollutes the climate, fear narrows the throat, fear weakens all resistance, fear eats up the soul. Thus, generating fear is the most effective means to cujonize and curate unrepentant contemporaries (see: “covidiots”, “deniers”). Successful propagators of fear are also currently the most successful (German) politicians, as Söder, Merkel or Kurz prove.


– William “Bill” Henry Gates III – billionaire, benefactor and helper of mankind.

But despite his idealism and money commitment he did not make it to the “Hero Weeks” of BR (see “Heroes”). Is mainly active as a philanthropist through the charitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation founded by him and his wife. Not very philanthropic, he wants to have the entire world population forcefully vaccinated against Corona. According to his intentions, he is also the largest private sponsor of the WHO.


Our highest good, as doctors and above all politicians want to make us believe strongly at present. The old moral “categorical imperative” of the proven racist Immanuel Kant has had its day, the new one is “Stay healthy! This phrase is intended, among other things, to express and strengthen the “sense of community” in society that supposedly emerged under Corona.


In times of C. they are back in Germany: Heroes! And nobody wants to beat them to death “like a rabid dog” (Joschka F., Green Party). The Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation has even proclaimed the “Hero Weeks” to pay due tribute to the shining figures and heroes of the present. Which are: the nurses and geriatric nurses who have to work directly on the infection front (and are still poorly paid). The sales clerks at Lidl, Edeka, Aldi, etc., who were and are the first to be permanently exposed to the threat of suffocation by wearing masks for hours on end. Truck drivers, who live permanently in stand-by to supply us with essential goods such as toilet paper etc. and then on their trips are confronted with closed toilets at rest areas – when they rest. Granddaughters with pretty faces, who provide grandma and grandpa with goods and affection under risk of infection. Stefan from Sulzbach-Rosenberg, who has been particularly committed to the village in his spare time for weeks and has initiated several Corona aid projects, then Reimund, the janitor who worked round the clock in the old people’s home, spending the night on a mattress “so that he could be there day and night for residents and colleagues”; Marko, who helps out as a disinfector in the professional cleaning of nursing homes and so on and so forth.

When did this happen except in times of war, a real hero inflation!

Homes for the elderly

The absolute “No-Go-Area” for every health-conscious and survival-willing person. Regardless of this, nurses there expose themselves self-sacrificially to immense dangers, as comparable only to the once so-called liquidators in Chernobyl (see “Heroes”). The virus seems to be especially affectionate to seniors and everyone who has to approach such a virus voluntarily or involuntarily is to be considered a hero by us (see “Heroes”).


Is used for public wireless Internet access points, among other things. The term “corona hotspot” was created to make it clear to the limited citizen that he is staying, going or coming from a dangerous zone. For this purpose, constantly updated maps and reports are published. The enthusiasm of mayors, district administrators and residents is naturally limited if a place or region is designated as a corona hotspot or no-go area by the RKI, the federal or state government.


This is “human nature” or “human kindness”. The H. aims at the realization of human rights, at helpfulness and participation. Goethe says: “Noble be man, helpful and good!

When it is a question of health, humanity must also sometimes take a back seat, and for the sake of the human being’s good, one must also sometimes put him in fear, rob him of beloved habits and curtail his freedom (see “Basic Rights”). “The end justifies the means” is not necessarily a humanitarian or even “humane” principle.

Hygiene demos

“The first hygiene demo for constitution, basic rights & transparent design of the new economic rules by the people themselves” took place on 23 March 2020 at Rosa-Luxembourg-Platz in Berlin. Since then, such ” gatherings ” – suspiciously eyed by politics and the made up or public opinion – have been taking place. There, not only “corona deniers”, “covidiotes”, aluminium hat wearers (see “conspiracy theorists”) meet to form a ” lateral front”, there are also right-wing radicals, Neo-Nazis, racists and anti-Semites, who then let it all out against everything and anything and even want to storm the Reichstag. The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, recognized the danger early on and warned that for months in the Corona debate “conspiracy myths with a basic anti-Semitic tendency have been deliberately stirred up”.

Intensive Care Unit

Terminal station for “infected” people; in many cases supplier for the mortician (see “Bergamo”). The intensive care unit is the place of treatment for patients with imminent or already occurred organ failure. The intensive care unit alone is the place in the hospital where (artificial) ventilation (see there) can be performed; something that may not necessarily be a benefit to some corona patients.

Johns Hopkins

The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore describes itself quite immodestly as one of the best hospitals in the world. It is the modern Mecca of medicine, just as the “Charite'” once was (see there). The “Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center” has developed into the leading corona information centrifuge. It collects the worldwide numbers of new infections, cured and deceased, maintains this information in so-called studies and blows it out into the wide world via the Internet with colorful graphics. For the local truth media, Johns Hopkins is the reference point for scientific (dis)information in addition to the RKI (see there).


– Karl Wilhelm.

If Corona were a diarrhea illness, one could regard Karlchen quite as an expert for this, because there is hardly a politician or “health expert”, who can provide such quantities of whisked Shiite like our professor from Düren.

He is actually not a doctor, because after his medical studies he turned to “health economics”, probably in order not to possibly get his fingers dirty on human excreta or simply have to deal with annoying patients. Where does the chutzpah come from to comment on things he does not understand? This cannot be explained by his political status alone. Karlchen L. is the nuisance that has become matter, the bullshit generator made flesh. The fact that the mainstream media institutions let him speak undaunted and regularly on talk shows or, for example, in the morning magazine on the subject of Corona, once again justifies the assumption that these are actually mental institutions with the mission of torturing the public. In this respect, Karlchen fits in there.


Lockdown is the English word for “cordoning off” or “curfew” is also used as the linguistic equivalent of “mass quarantine”.

Derived from this, there is now the “lockdowner”, a politician who particularly vehemently demanded the shutdown of almost all economic and social activities at a certain time during the COVID 19 pandemic (see “Söder”, “Lauterbach”).

Lockdown can also be seen as a form of “state of emergency” – as in wartime (see “Coercive measures”).

If one looks at the consequences in an international comparison or, in absolute terms, the death toll from C., the statement is certainly justified: “Far more people will die from the consequences of the lockdowns than from the virus”!


Variant of the so-called snot-rag, state decreed. Also called “face nappy”, which is mainly for self-knitted fabrics.

Politicians also have an exemplary function here with regard to mask morals. But this is generally on the decline since Chancellor Kurz (Austria) appeared without a mask, as reported by the quality press. From the mask obligation the “mask offense” arises then ever more, i.e. “the disobedience of a regulation to carry a nose-mouth guard or the like in stores, public means of transport etc. for the containment of an infectious disease. See also “Covidiot”, “Corona denier”. Not only for them, the mask is the symbol of suppression and restriction of liberty rights.


The Superspreader (See there) for government teachings and fear trumpeters.

“The need of the people for orientation in Corona times (is) enormous”, a greaser from the guild may claim “The news broadcasts and talk shows especially on public television are more popular than ever before. The radio informs about all important developments, clarifies and offers life assistance. The print media also want to outdo themselves in terms of daily water level reports. Words such as “whammy”, “record”, “exploding numbers”, “breaking the limits”, etc. are intended to increase the information content of the reports and draw more attention to any kind of mischief and number magic. Besides, one has to fulfill a state order conscientiously.


– Angela, Dorothea, née Kasner

Chancellor actress with totalitarian impressions. Supreme and allegedly the most popular coordinator and communicator of all the dirty tricks she has invented to deal with the Corona crisis. With her stupendous rhetoric at the highest level of primary school, she knows how to lisp herself into the hearts of her subjects and gain the highest approval ratings in the polls; which somehow seems to prove that Corona also leads to brain damage.


Also: Excess mortality, in demography, among other things, refers to an increased mortality rate compared to empirical or expected values.

If the balance of deaths at the end of this year does not show any excess mortality compared to previous years, the corona prophets and scribes will be disgraced.

So let us pray!

New infection

If there is a new infection there must also be an “old infection”.

The more testing is done, the more “new infections” are detected and especially when mass testing is done, the rate of “false positives”, i.e. false results, increases.

The “old infections” or cured infections are not faded out, they are added up to suggest an impressive “infection situation”.

A decrease in the rate of new infections does not seem to be in the interest of politicians and the media. How else could the “Second Wave” be conjured up, and the media workers could then no longer indulge in constant superlatives (see “Outbidding Competition”). If the number of new infections increases, the prospect of a daily “CNN extra” or “MSNBC special” to Corona also increases for the television consumer.


Something to which, according to politicians, we will never return. Good!? If what happened in this country before the outbreak seems “normal”, there is no helping you anyway. The flooding of the country with “fugitives” from the most distant countries, the daily reports of rapes, stabbings, riots, arson, etc., the slumminess of our cities, the culture of denunciation against those who think and think differently, the terror of opinion by the media and politics – all this will not diminish. The “crisis” offers the opportunity to intensify e.g. the ecoterror and to inflate the EU even more. According to Schäuble, the undead from Germany, “The Corona crisis is a great opportunity, because resistance to change will decrease during the crisis. We can now achieve the economic and financial union that we have not yet achieved politically”. This is a reason to prolong the crisis.

Opening discussion orgy

One of these unsurpassable word creations, sharply lisped by Chancellor Angela the Unique. By O. she means the controversy, which she considers “excessive and disproportionate, about the relaxation of the curfew and contact restrictions imposed during the COVID 19 pandemic”.

The world supposedly envies us for this leader with her power of speech.

Outbidding competition

Who provides the most dramatic figures of “infection incidents”, the most horrible reports of sickness fates and death rates, who has the most impressive pictures in stock, etc.?

FAZ, Welt, Bild, taz, etc. are currently engaged in a merciless competition to outbid each other in crisis management. Probably in order to do as well as possible in the distribution of the 220 million Euro by the Federal Government to the starving journalists.

Example: “The metaphor of the Allgäu online newspaper publisher Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag GmbH reminds us of a betting office at a horse race: “Kaufbeuren is in 2nd place nationwide with a value of 54.7. Garmisch-Partenkirchen is in 1st place (55.4). Würzburg occupies 3rd place with a value of 54 (as of September 14, 2020 at 0:00 am.)” can be read in a critical glossary on the subject.


“P.” refers to the spread of a disease across countries and continents, in the narrower sense the spread of an infectious disease. In contrast to an epidemic, a pandemic is not locally restricted… In its last revised guidelines on Pandemic Influenza Risk Management, which were last revised in May 2017, the WHO stipulated that the proclamation of a pandemic – i.e. the transition from an epidemic to a pandemic – is to be made by the Director General of the WHO” (Wikipedia).

The guidelines have been changed from the previous documents to make it even easier for those responsible to declare a pandemic.

P. must not be confused with the panic-demia: the rapidly spreading, very large and paralyzing fear of the COVID 19 pandemic, which is caused, among other things, by exaggerated media coverage.


“sufficient to meet hygiene requirements during the COVID 19 pandemic”.

An Italian businesswoman has created a pandemic-proof swimwear: The Trikini – a bikini with a matching face mask, which allegedly became a bestseller.


The old word for epidemic or pandemic.

The semantic link between epidemic, plague and infection was already used in the Middle Ages to establish the particular threat to the community from witches, Jews and other unpopular persons. Those who believe that the times are over are mistaken – see “Covidiots”, “Corona deniers”, “conspiracy theorists”.


Apart from insurance agents and advertising experts, politicians have the lowest reputation among all professional groups. Where does that come from?

But why then Corona buffoons like Merkel and Söder receive polling results that have never been achieved before seems paradoxical.

In the crisis, the P. are at their best. Everywhere in the world they go completely crazy because of Corona. “Hunted by the media, false advisers, by China, the WHO and above all the pharmaceutical industry (?), they want to outdo each other with their grossly excessive measures.

A very special specimen of the genus “crazy politicians” is currently Great Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson. With an “Operation Moonshot” he wants to put himself at the head of the testers and lockdowner.


“A travel ban imposed around 1400 on arrivals suspected of being infected – Venice banned ships suspected of plague from entering the port as early as 1374 – was known in Italy as quaranta giorni (forty days)” (Wikipedia).

Ships (“We were off Madagascar and had the plague on board…”) seem to be the appropriate place to carry out a comprehensive quarantine, as the example of the cruise ship Diamond Princess, which was quarantined in February in the port of Yokohama, shows.

Qu. can be ordered by the Health Department and for this purpose the RKI has prepared a flier, title: “Domestic quarantine (ordered by the Health Department): Flier for contact persons”.

Qu. can also concern politicians (e.g. Altmaier, Heiko Maas). The hope, however, that these could then disappear from the public for a longer period of time, is not fulfilled after all.

Risk Patients

Persons especially endangered by corona. Predominantly people who behave differently from state and medical health advice and guidelines and ruin their health in rampant hedonism through alcohol, cigarettes, consumption of sweets or meat, hours of television (so-called couch potatoes), etc. They burden the solidary health insurance with heart, circulation and lung diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc. excessively. As risk patients count also people, who in the meantime simply lived too long and with their pension and retirement pay skim off the “generation contract” unilaterally in their favor.

Seen in this light, “risk patients” are actually no risk for the social systems in corona times, since the virus is supposed to ensure the socially acceptable or relieving early death of this population group.


The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is an (allegedly) independent German higher federal authority for infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases.

In the “Corona crisis”, the Robert Koch Institute has probably become the best-known authority of the federal government.

Every day, announcements are made that are distributed through all media. This has now gone so far that BILD is already asking: “Are we governed by RKI virologists?

The longer the crisis lasts, the more the criticism of the announcements of the institute with the big name increases. And the “Bild” newspaper has already mocked: “So often the RKI has been wrong with forecasts”, even the “Spiegel” sneered at a large “reporting gap” of the institute.


Mathematical formula to calculate the occurrence of an infection. Two values must actually be included: the basic reproduction number R 0 and the net reproduction number R. Not easy for the layman to understand.

In addition to the number of new infections and other “warning numbers” (see there), the publication of the R value serves to keep the audience sufficiently excited or panicky and to decide whether to extend or relax shutdown measures. An R-value greater than 1 is of concern, but one below 1 does not interest the panic-makers; it could generate positive expectations in the public.

SAR value/SAR

Proportion of contact persons of an infected person who actually fall ill with a (virus) infection as a result of contact within a certain period of time. SAR is the so-called secondary attack rate. Der Spiegel “informs” us: “For a household, one could assume that the SAR value is 100 percent because of the close, long contact of the members, i.e. that one is always infected by infected roommates. But that is wrong. Previous studies … have already shown that the new coronavirus does not necessarily affect all members of a household once it has been introduced.

So again, this is a value that can be used to disguise or create panic attacks, depending on the circumstances.


A place where our youngsters can be prepared for “normality” and where special tormenting measures can be used. It is believed that the teachers would stand on the side of their students and stand up against senseless measures by the authorities. Far from it, most of the indoctrinators simply stay at home or support the governmental arbitrary measures in their babbling circles (teacher associations and GEW). Thus now the trade union education and science (GEW) demands a general mask obligation also in the classrooms.


Shutdown means ” standstill, turn-off”, was first used for “shutting down a computer”. It now means the period of time during which almost all economic and social activities are shut down by political order. It is often used with the same meaning as “lockdown”.

The complete shutdown of economic and social life can also have its advantages, because besides the restrictive things it also has positive consequences for nature. For example, there are spectacular images of water from the canals of Venice and of dolphins cavorting again in the once dirty ports of Sardinia.


– Markus Thomas Theodor – Bavarian Coronator!

Not only since his appearance in this costume at the Franconian carnival he is the S(c)hre(c)k of the German politics. Evolves for Bavaria and Germany to the GREMPAT, the greatest Minister President of all times. Also to be seen as a pocket dictator and Idi-Alpin II (from Idi Amin = legendary man-eating black dictator of the Republic of Uganda in the 1970s), he nevertheless has tendencies towards even greater things, up to and including Alpine-Stalin. He is obviously driven by the fear to bare himself to other politicians in the Corona politics and must therefore always be in favor of the harder restrictions in case of doubt.

He is also the creator of new terms when he speaks of “full hospitals” – although the number of inpatients treated for Covid-19 in Bavaria is currently just at 37.


– Jens Georg

Gladly the “Praeceptor Germaniae Rebus Coronae”, although Drosten or Lauterbach would also like to lay claim to the title. His management of the crisis as Minister of Health has earned him the title “Mask-No-Mask-Yes-Jens” or “Jelly-Jens” for short. Initiator of several “flops” such as the “warning app” (see there) and so it is pointless to waste more words on the potential chancellor aspirant, since he would loose against Söder anyway.

Spit protection

Ranges from the simple spit protection, the spit wall (does not mean that you are allowed to spit against it) to the spit protection separating screen or spit protection wall. The simple spit protection is a transparent, flat and board like piece of material, which is attached to sales counters, receptions, in vehicles etc. to protect against droplet infection. Seems not to be sufficient for protection, because cashiers have to put on a snot rag (mask) behind these “barriers”.


Proven means of spreading scientific (non-)sense. If you want to be right in the corona debate, it is absolutely necessary to resort to a serious (?) study of correct origin and statement. Whether an “evidence-based” statement or even measure based on it is really comprehensible is irrelevant. Since all hypotheses established in studies are “falsifiable”, they do not have to be true. This is how “science” works.


“People who spray viruses like a boiling tea kettle of steam!

Superspreaders are potential mass murderers in C. times and are treated similarly by the media and politics. An example of this is the reporting about a pitiful German-American restaurant employee as a “Superspreader” in Garmisch and the reactions of politicians in relation to her existence.

According to Spiegel, service employees in particular are “predestined to become superspreaders. They have close contact with visitors, they have to serve glasses, shake hands, hug, maybe even give a kiss on the cheek as a greeting. That’s probably why Munich has become a “record-breaking hotspot”, as they call it a “kissy-kissy society”.

According to scientific findings, the up to 35-year-olds are not to be forgotten as the main drivers of new infections.

The preoccupation with pigs and chickens in slaughterhouses seems to favor superspreading and thus supplies water to the mills of the muesli and greens nibblers like the fear bullhorn player.


The only European country and one of the few in the world that has no lockdown (see “Lockdown”).

“Irresponsible”, “short-sighted”, “life-threatening” were still the gentlest attributes that the international shame media brought to the Swedish decision. Sweden’s state epidemiologist Tegnell was described as cold-hearted and stubborn, because he did not follow the example of other countries, but kept schools, restaurants, fitness centers and borders open. For many Swedes and of course for the local “corona deniers” he embodies reason.

Unlike in virtually every other country, it is not politics that makes the big decisions in Sweden, but Sweden’s national health agency as an independent authority. It is doubtful whether the RKI in Germany could be seen as such (see RKI).

Swine flu

Classic “pandemic trigger”. The swine flu virus (“subtype H1N1”) is thought to have been the cause of the Spanish flu in 1918 with millions of deaths. H1N1 virus types are said to have spread worldwide during the 2nd World War and led again and again to epidemics. In 2009, the first major pandemic occurred according to WHO and Drosten.

Although it was not clear whether the vaccine produced at that time was even sufficiently effective, it was mass-produced and then later given away by individual countries or destroyed at great expense. In Germany alone, 16 million vaccine doses – purchase price 290 million € – were burned. Drosten was partly responsible for the misguided alarmism of the WHO and the vaccine affair and earned his first merits and honors in his guild. Such a real disgrace, the whole thing.

Toilet paper

Although the corona virus has not been proven to cause a diarrhea (the runs, gippy tummy, etc.), with the beginning of the C. crisis, toilet paper was bought up and hoarded en masse for underhanded purposes. The hygiene consciousness was literally swapped from the mind to the ass by the people. “Psychologists speak of a panic reaction” and “Consumer advice center warns of clogged pipes” – the quality media say.


“Vaccination – (originally the infection with cowpox material; from Latin vacca, ‘cow’) is the administration of a vaccine with the aim of protecting against a (communicable) disease” (Wikipedia)

Only when a vaccine against corona is available and the population has been “vaccinated” (see “Gates”) can there be any prospect of an end to the pandemic. Philanthropists would like to vaccinate the whole of humanity, health ministers hold out the prospect of compulsory happiness vaccination in the absence of consent; motto – freely adapted from Goethe (“Der Erlkönig”) – “And if you are not willing, then I need to use force”. Whether or not the vaccines can protect against any C. infection is not important. If production is already underway, the stuff has to be sold and not stored and then destroyed as was the case with the “swine flu” (see there and “Drosten”).


In itself a life-saving measure in any form of severe respiratory distress or, as it is called in the technical jargon, in “respiratory insufficiency”. For certain “corona patients”, however, this measure seems to have a rather negative effect, as has been shown, and in many cases it led to a decline rather than to survival (see also “risk patients”).


Teacher of virology, i.e. the science of viruses (from Latin “virus”, not to be confused with “vir” = man). Very tellingly, “virus” means: viscous moisture, mucus, juice, poison! Is a virologist perhaps also a “slime”, “juice-bag” or even “poisoner” – even if only by means of language?

The German government proudly adorns itself with one as an adviser (see “Drosten”). Due to frequently contradictory and also demonstrably incorrect statements (=disinformation), the term “Shambologist” has been introduced for this type of scientist.

Warning App

Digital junk for cell phones. Crazy idea of the RKI and our Minister of Health (see “Spahn”).

In a survey, only 32 percent of cell phone owners said they had installed the Corona warning app. Above-average numbers of state-loyal supporters of the Conservatives Inc. (45 percent), the Democrats Inc. (40 percent) and the Greens (39 percent) download this state Trojan onto their smartphones.

Warning values

If more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants are reported within seven days in a county or a city that is not part of a county, the restrictions must be reversed and restriction concepts must come into force.

In Söders Bavaria, this regulation has now been tightened up; according to this, the health authorities are now obliged to inform the Ministry of Health about the cause of the increase and local countermeasures if the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants exceeds 35 within the last seven days. (Source BR)

Wave, second

Primarily a threatening argument of politics and various shambologists to keep the population submissive.

“The second wave is commonly referred to as a renewed increase in the number of infections (proven by tests). This is feared with regard to Covid-19, mainly due to loosening measures after the infection numbers have leveled off, and the accompanying decreasing discipline within the population with regard to restrictions on personal freedom of movement and social distancing. There is no generally accepted definition of the “second wave”. (Source Deutschlandfunk)

Tests in total, 14th week 408,341

Of which tested positive 36,885

Proportion of positively tested, 14th week 9.03%

Tests in total, 37th week 1,120,835

Of which tested positive 9,675

Proportion of positively tested, 37th week 0.86%

Source: RKI

Where is the second wave?


World Health Organization (abbreviated WHO)

The corrupt “United Nations Coordinating Authority for International Public Health”

A marionette, where almost everyone is allowed to pull the strings at times – the Chinese, Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical industry, and everyone else who acts as a financial backer. So far, the USA has been the largest contributor. Trump (Orange man Bad) has canceled his support because he feels that the organization is too China-devoted and too slow and sloppy in its current corona crisis management. With this he is right in my opinion.

Wuhan Syndrome

All mental illnesses that occur as a result of the contact and everyday life restrictions imposed during the COVID 19 pandemic due to the continuing social isolation (especially among younger people).

In the first place there are fears, psychological stress and exhaustion, nervousness and frightfulness as well as the increase in sleep disorders”. Even the development of panic disorders could be attributed to the drastic quarantine measures. (Source:


Corona-Zombies are people who follow all government orders unquestioning. We don’t know if they wear their masks even in-house or go to bed with masks, but we conspiracy theorists have our suspicions. These are the people who think their government is doing excellent in protecting their health, and rate them highly in surveys. A special variant of a Corona-Zombie is a Karen. Karens yell at you and run in circles hysterically, while they accuse you of wanting to kill them, because you don’t wear your mask according to protocol.

All but the last paragraph (Zombies, because A to Z 😛 ) are a translation from:

Thanks to DeepL, which made this translation (or say 98% of it) so much easier.

3 thoughts on “Corona from A – Z , the politically incorrect and somewhat cynical index to the “crisis”

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